I, Adham (the application provider), have built the Direct Chat application (the application).If you choose to use the Application, you agree to the terms listed in this Privacy Policy. Direct Chat collects only one set of data from your device, and that is ad analytics data. We use Google AdMob, and that allows us to collect data such as ad impressions, etc. Direct Chat, however, does not collect any phone numbers from Direct Chat whatsoever — all phone numbers contacted using Direct Chat are stored exclusively on-device and are never transferred to Direct Chat or any third-parties. The information collected by the Application is used to provide and improve the Service. The application provider will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this privacy policy.
Information Collection and Use
The application does not store any personal information about the user in the servers of the application provider. All information collected by the application is stored on the same device of the user in order to use it in the application. This information is usually called log data and is intended to improve the user experience. This information is not shared with anyone except for the service provider in the event that the user agrees to share this data.
Right to amend the privacy policy
The application provider has the full right to update the privacy policy of the application, whether by adding or deleting new items or modifying existing items at any time. We do not send any notification or e-mail about updates to the privacy policy, but you can always know about any update by checking the date of the last update of this policy, which is located in the last line on this page.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or suggestions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us at adhamo.elghobary@gmail.com.